PadMapper - Apartment Rentals

Find apartments for rent in your budget. This is the apartment finder for you!

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 3,758)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Login issues and failure to reset passwords.
    • Difficulties in posting listings, with many users unable to get their ads published.
    • Lack of customer support and delayed responses.
    • Frequent technical glitches and crashes, especially when uploading photos.
    • Inconsistent search results and unreliable notifications about new listings.
    Most mentioned
    • Problems with account deletion and inability to manage accounts.
    • Lack of verification processes leading to failed listings.
    • Confusing user interface which makes it hard to navigate and post listings.
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.30
    All time rating average: 4.07
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    M. Goldstein
    The app is not intuitive, finding me anything, not suggesting what I need to change to get any listings
    Nick Zhygan
    Login does not work. No support feature. Password reset does not work. App used to be great, now it's unusable.
    Kevin LeBlanc
    Tried multiple times to post a listing. It's impossible to do on the website. I had to try to make 3 different accounts, because it needed to verify my identity, which I did. And then it wouldn't let me log in, and once I finally supposedly posted my listing, I can't view it anywhere. It didn't even show up on the map, so I really doubt it even worked. I'm a programmer by trade. I know these technical issues weren't on my end. I did everything right, and it still failed miserably at every turn.
    Christopher Wagner
    It crashes every time I try to add photos to my listing. Then, when I think I've got photos ready, I tap to publish, but it says I'm not verified. I already went through the identification verification, and I see no place to try it again. I'm about ready to just post a link to my listing on Craigslist.
    Sally A Cooke
    Terrible app, maybe one of the worst I've ever used. Keeps notifying me it has found relevant search results, then says it doesn't have any suggestions or it has some but has a problem showing them right now. Have been looking for a replacement for kijii (where I found my two previous apts) but nothing else seems to work. Too bad Kijiji has become so bad as well
    De Friday
    There's literally no way to delete your account. Once your information is up, you cannot take it down. Even after completing their "forms." I downloaded it, and immediately regretted the decision as it 1. Does not let you view the property you clicked on from the vague search. 2. There's no way to search within your town. 3. Ads take up one quarter of your screen. 4. The vague search or map search isn't consistent, it will take you to view multiple properties from trying to view the one u want.
    Better than nothing i guess. Literally every listing is a different price on the first ad and once you click in. Lists as 1800 , you click in, studio apartment available for $2000. Wastes so much time. Why even have a filter. Also "populates" suggested listings and notifies you. Then when you click on the notification it says none can be found. Constantly prompts for email feedback rather than app store; anyone actually facing issues does that, meaning issues are hidden from Google Play store
    Bonnie Dickson
    This app looks nice and is a good way to compare what rental rates in your area are, but the functionality is lacking. I posted my condo for rent but PadMapper never completed the verification steps on their end so the listing never went live. Also, there isn't any way to delete your account. They only offer a "logout" option. Which is disappointing 😕.
    P T
    Only able to post rental ad for a few days and now the app doesnt work anymore. It keeps giving error prompt that doesnt allow to publishing. It also goes to someone elses unit rental when i click through provided email link. The site is VERY glitchy and didnt work for me at all.
    Devaj Chhibber
    Really not useful. No one replied to me at all and there's way too many Airbnb ads which once you open they don't load properly. Zooming the map in and out is really sporadic and when you close a listing to look at the one next to it the map will zoom you like 8 city blocks away. And pressing the arrow keys to look at the next posting doesn't show you the next one ohsycially next to it but instead goes like an entire city over. But that's probably not possible to fix. Depends who posted first..?
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