Custom Random Generator

Create your custom list and extract random items
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Recent rating average: 3.67
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Date Author Rating Comment
Samu 190
That's the first "randomizer" with the option to choose the chance for each item that I found here on playstore.
Austin Watson
Very cool tool! It's the only thing like it I've found, and ad-free too. If you haven't left this app behind already, I would like to see some more features too. Being able to build a fully custom character, story, or encounter generator that called results from these lists would be awesome. I'll keep using this app either way. This is great.
Jared Johnson
The CSV file upload dose not work appropriately. And the CSV file download dose not download to anything so I can't even save the lists that I typed out. Was really excited to use this app too since I was able to utilize a rarity value rather than a slider like in other apps. The main features don't even work.