WeComics TH: Webtoon

Comic, Manga and Webtoon

Total ratings

2.48 (Rating count: 67,553)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good range of comics to read
  • The app has had a positive past experience for many users, with it being their favorite comic app
  • Quality illustrations and engaging storylines in comics
  • Some users appreciate the various comic genres offered, such as drama, fantasy, and romance
  • The app is recognized for having a fun community and being user-friendly in its previous versions
  • The app now only supports the Thai language, making it inaccessible for non-Thai speakers
  • Users report losing access to their previous accounts and comics after updates
  • Many former users miss the English version of the app, which is no longer available
  • The transition to the updated app has led to confusion and dissatisfaction among long-time users
  • Issues with app functionality, including problems with daily currency collection and ad watching
Most mentioned
  • Loss of English version
  • Inability to access previously owned comics
  • Change in app’s core functionality and user experience
  • Difficulty navigating the app due to language barriers
  • Wishing for the return of past features and interfaces
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 2.48
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29% (7)
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29% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Milaan S
I used to have it back in 2020 and I loved this app and I didn't like the pause to read the next episode because I had to earn seashells (in app currency to keep reading) daily so I saved up like 2000 seashells and I was planning on using them to read but then the app stopped working so I had to delete it but now I can't read anything because everything is in Thai in my account is gone
Eva May
I have this app before in 2020 but I Installed it because of my phone storage and I download it again but the language is different, I hope you make again an English version.
Ed Edwards
A good range of comics to read on here
Honeymie Obial
I try this app because interesting to read so far this is the first time to read another webcomics 🙂
Nasir Ali
I really miss the old version of this app cause it used to be one of the best comics app, and now that the old version is gone i can't continue to read anymore from this as i used to do so, and i really wish they just bring back the previous one and i can continue my journey with this app
Joy Rico
It was my first comic app in year 2018, and need to uninstall it for not having a good gadget to use after a year. I miss using this app. I hope they would return the english version again. I'm still giving it 5stars after uninstalling it again today. I just want confirm if I can't read and understand the word was written now. And now it's confirmed!! Bye! See you again, when it is readable for me.
Rose Moon
On my other account, which I managed to log onto, I'm trying to find a comic I read awhile back, and I've looked EVERYWHERE. I really want to find the comics I read on this app, but now it's only in thai, and it isn't showing anything in my library, (I'm using a translator to navigate the site) I really want to find those comics again 🥲 I don't remember their names
Honestly, I dearly loved the english version of Wecomics. It was my top favorite as it was much better than any other platform where we can read comics. I really loved it & now that it's no longer available, I feel depressed. I don't even want to go to any other platform because the English version of Wecomics still maintains it's place in my heart even though it's been years. I don't know the reason behind why it was removed, but I just really hope it comes back. Please bring it back. - Thank u
this app was great in 2020 due to some issues I had to uninstall it but when i came back it was already gone there was only this version of we comics. i dont know what happened why i can't find the app anymore neither i can contact them through anything i just want them to relaunch we comics there were so many stories left to read i want to complete them, want to know what happened with the characters. it's a shame that i can't find those books anywhere all over the internet
•_. kuro ._•
this used to be my favorite app back in 2020, got me into reading and the app was very dear to me but now the app I've loved is gone and i will never be able to remember the comics i used love. "you're the apple of my eye" i missed reading that in WeComics :( . Now that the app has changed I'm very sad and disappointed. Left with blurred memories of my favourite comics i used to read but i don't remember the storyline enough to even ask anyone else.
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