Speak Fluent English | OnMind

Learn speak new language fluently powered by AI GPT4. Boost your English level.

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4.00 (Rating count: 895)
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
Malven Chivs
I can give four star for the first time, keep on it until the end of the year or decades. Wish you could have been there for the first time since then.
Hely Brahmbhatt
My English has been improved both in speaking and writing
Janhavi Dhomne
This application is reliable, Precise content with great for pre- interview practice
King Wises
This app intrigues me a lot. I've learnt so many many things on this app including chatting with AI
Fatsani Mtombosola
It is good. I thought I would encounter a lot of ads, but no! However, instead of few chats, it would have been nice if they had a period maybe a month
Habeeb Oluwafemi
the most effective and supportive AI. very concise, smart, allow flexible chat text, pictures and audio. you can copy and share unlike some other AIs. useful app for student, freelancer, business manager, content and web developers, among many others. check out and you won't bother to use any AI again
Righteous Crusader24
Terrible app, don't download it... doesn't even write full paragraphs The only reason it has a high rating is because it awards some tokens for doing so🙄
Adeline Mareya
This app is awesome in answering questions and I like it because it heIps me in difficulties.
Sheikh Jaw
Very nice app, but if you don't have an account will not have access to do what so ever you wanted
Bibipoki Porttas-Obenebo
Nice app. Just that word count control should be increased.
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