Online Guru

Study app for all competitive Exams : IAS, RAS, RPSC, Bank, IBPS, SSC, etc.
"Online Guru" is a comprehensive study app designed for aspirants of various competitive exams like IAS, RAS, RPSC, Bank, IBPS, SSC, Railway, and NET. It provides an extensive range of study materials covering topics such as General Science, Mathematics, Rajasthan G.K., Reasoning, Agriculture, Indian Politics, History, Hindi, and Computer Science. With Online Guru, users can access valuable notes and resources to enhance their exam preparation and improve their chances of success.
Downloads: 2,353
Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-20)
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: a day ago


User reviews

Good app online exams
by Sumitra, 2025-01-12

Love this app
by Prachi Gupta, 2020-07-22
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