Hero Rescue Quest

Join the hero and princess in a amazing adventure game to find treasure!

Total ratings

2.93 (Rating count: 447)

Review summary

  • Fun gameplay mechanics
  • Some puzzles require thought
  • Simple and straightforward design
  • Excessive number of ads
  • Repetitive puzzles
  • Game crashes frequently
  • Slow loading times
  • Lack of challenge in later levels
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Repetitive gameplay
  • Game crashes
  • Lack of challenge
  • Slow performance
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 2.93
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Rating filters

5 star
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19% (4)
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14% (3)
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67% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Janet Taylor
Reading the reviews, I was expecting to be swamped with ads. I saw one. What are people on about I thought. Game was quite fun and some levels made me think about how to pull the pins, while others were easy. Then I get to level 12 and the hero gets stuck constantly running into the wall and I can't free him, so gave up. Ads may have got worse later.
Janet Lenon
No different from all the other hero rescue games. Music, order of puzzles, even the little squeal the princess makes is the same.
Patrick Conerly
Absolute garbage. Save your time and data. Don't download this game. It crashed 6 times before I even made it to the title screen. And then 1 time when I was finally able to click the "Play" button. That one was the last straw for me and I uninstalled it. Download if you like wasting your life.
Too many ads, 2.49 to remove them, but honestly, you can't even tell its you like it due to too many ads.
Hidaku Hoshigaki
Is it supposed to be this slow and SERIOUSLY 96 ad modules!? What in the ever loving God!? How is anyone even supposed to BUY the no ads thing when it takes ten years to load into the main menu.
Tanya Fz
Simple fun but too many ads. I'm all for ads because they need to make money but this one is just too much. Uninstalling it.
Tantolian Bladesilver
More ads than gameplay! Too much time wasted watching the warrior jump up and down! Not what I was looking for.
Vaughn Engler
Wow are the positive reviews fake or something? Literally 75% of this is ads. One 5 second puzzle followed by an ad. Sometimes 2. Are you kidding me!?
Terrible game, massive number of ads. 30 or so levels in, the difficulty never really increased. These are elementary level puzzles and the number of ads is excessive. This game is just a money grab for the developer.
Keith Hyman
Game quickly becomes repetitious and the challenges drop off. It's fun at first.
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