OneLogin Portal

OneLogin launcher for web applications

Total ratings

2.34 (Rating count: 279)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App frequently fails to log users in
    • Significantly lags or stalls during usage
    • Inability to load content after initial login
    • Requires repetitive login for access, adding frustration
    • Compatibility issues with Android versus iOS, leading to poor performance
    Most mentioned
    • Login issues and inability to access accounts
    • Frequent app crashes or blank screens
    • Glitches causing delays and failures to load schedules or information
    • Poor integration with function needs like mapping and scheduling
    See reviews for OneLogin Portal on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 2.34
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    Rating filters

    5 star
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    4% (1)
    1 star
    96% (22)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Robert Whittington
    Cannot enter name store and failure to finish download
    Allison Lowe
    Can't even login! Need this for work and won't even open after inputting credentials. Desktop version works fine. Help!
    Shana umbarger
    I have android and can only go so far can't comple tely log in
    tina broome
    Absolute rubbish. Changed device and now cant get into anything and there is no long any support available as far as i can see. If anyone has had the same issue and has found away around it please let me know. Doesnt deserve the one star but had to be able to write.
    Zhura Yuk
    Not working. Entering portal adress and click submit, nothing happens.
    Cassie L.
    I've had to use this app for work for 5 years now. It is super glitchy and never works properly. I wish PETCO would change systems. -.-
    This app doesn't work good on android maps I'm using it for my job and it gives me a error every time I want to use the maps to get directions and it works good on apple devices
    Its hasn't logged me in since I was told to download it. It continues to spin the loading icon long after I input my login info with the verification code. And it never lets me into my information.
    I can login before in this app, but after I got a new phone and tried to login it's asking for a yubikey. how would I open the app if it's asking for a yubikey and not giving me any other option? like what it shows on the pictures.
    Vincent Dela Cruz
    It's totally busted. It's not working, I already cleared cache. There is notification to update the app I've checked also in play store no updates are available! How to fix the bug. I'm on leave. I need to submit and process my workday urgently. Please help.
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