Plan Meals - Meal Planner

The all-in-one Meal Planner. Plan meals, manage recipes, make grocery lists.

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 4,083)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to enter and plan meals using personal recipes
  • Helps reduce food waste by utilizing available ingredients
  • Saves time by generating grocery lists based on meal plans
  • User-friendly interface for meal planning
  • Data loss and syncing issues between mobile and desktop versions
  • Limited functionality for editing and organizing shopping lists
  • Recurring bugs that affect ingredient listings and grocery list accuracy
  • Lack of pre-existing recipes available in the app
Most mentioned
  • App frequently loses meal planning data
  • Grocery list generation is flawed and requires manual editing
  • Syncing issues between mobile and desktop versions
  • Limited ability to customize or edit meal plans and grocery lists
  • Need for improved user features like print options or meal categorization
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Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 4.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jennifer Beckett
Was using this for years and it suddenly stopped working this week. I've now lost all my meal planning data and have to start again.
Judy Kreiter
Very difficult to use as only on phone, cancelled within 30 day renewal and no refund? I cancelled this early on , so why charge for another year? Difficult to use, cancelled a year ago but got charged for another year?? NO Refund??
Keep have to go through the start up everytime i open the app. Cannot add ingredient to grocery list. Not good. Cannot sort or group recipe. Recipe function is limited too.
Laura Weir
Thank you for responding so quickly and fixing the connection problem. However my last back up does not correspond with the last time I logged on this app, therefore I have lost data. Is it possible for you to look into this me. I believe I last logged on the 2nd or 3rd of September before the connection problem wouldn't let me use the app. The latest backup showimg is the 30th of August and then today as I was able to access the app again. Any help you can give would be great appreciated.
Mary Allan
Pretty much what I need: a simple app to plan menus several days/weeks in advance, using what I have on hand or in the garden to reduce food waste. There are two small features I think would make it even more useful: 1) the ability to simply scroll up and down to see previous or future plans in addition to clicking on a specific week. 2) The option to add a short memo or note under each meal or day e.g. "remove Thursday's turkey from freezer" or "replaced milk with cream"
Blake Coburn
I really, really like this app. I tend to struggle with planning my meals and groceries, I get overwhelmed and just give up (and order in lol). This app has completely saved me and now I actually cook more. 100% worth the upgrade. The ability to create meals, then break them down the ingredients and put them onto the grocery list is so helpful!
morgan smathers
I do not recommend this app. The app doesn't sync across platforms. If you set up the desktop version, any updates made on desktop will not show up on your mobile device, and about 3/4 of the time any work you do on the desktop will be deleted as soon as you touch the mobile app. Frustrating waste of time. Additionally, although I got the gold subscription (which I regret) the app routinely forgets that I have the subscription and prompts for me to re-buy.
Amber Tagliaferro - Gagliano
Love the app but in desperate need of an update to fix bugs like not including all ingredients in ingredient or shopping lists and it glitches when trying to edit ingredient lists or when scrolling through meal plan display. It will also take off ingredients for a meal altogether when making a list fo shopping. The only way I get to work is to make an ingredient list and then screen shot it and even then I have to double check it listed all the ingredients needed. Please fix. Thank you!
Jeremy Ames
In the past, I used the application to generate my shipping list. Then the developer put that feature behind the pay wall. I was fine with that because it worked well. When they made that change, they also changed the shopping list. Now the shipping list does not generate all of the items from my recipes nor does it show the quantities without changing a setting every time I view the shipping list. Absolutely horrible update.
Dianna morris
I like it but would LOVE it if I could share my meal plans with parents! Edit: love that they made meal plans shareable but took away two stars because the new shopping list generator is horrible, I can't edit like before and customize....I literally have to make 8t from scratch everything now it was never like this before. :( please put the shopping list back to the way it was or let people choose between which they would prefer to use.
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