Spoken english in 30 days

Develop fluency in english

Total ratings

4.48 (Rating count: 8,092)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for beginners and learners with a weak foundation in English
  • Provides confidence for users to practice spoken English
  • Easy to use and systematic layout for learning
  • Contains day-to-day conversations and practical dialogues
  • Free app that is useful for improving English language skills
  • Some conversations and dialogues lack clarity and coherence
  • Absence of audio tests or pronunciations available
  • Grammar explanations are insufficient or unclear
  • Certain sentences contain grammatical errors or awkward phrases
  • Navigation through the app can be cumbersome without infinite scroll
Most mentioned
  • Helpful for beginners
  • Need for clearer pronunciations and audio support
  • Some dialogues are confusing or bizarre
  • Desire for more features like vocabulary and grammar explanations
  • Praise for the systematic approach to learning
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.48
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13% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Some conversations and dialogues aren't clear and they leave me with many questions?
Agnes Laban
Good app, Also l have proposal that add pronounce voice to help us.
This app is really very helpful; it makes me feel confident, and I can easily get over my inertia of English.
Nisha Satheesh
taken from old spoken english..vey bad
Zubair Manan
Very helpful app I have ever seen and used and it is very easy too. Hope for developing and establishing new apps like this for the users who need to get improve their knowledge through the apps.
I use this app to teach my hus English he want to talk English fluently.i hope this app will help to achieve that
Rupal Khandate
Good app and very helpful for speaking english i loved it 😀
master Mind
Nice application learning by English is very easy for here
Md. Aqib Rahaman Sardar
It's a perfectly balanced app to all classes.. simple words are used here..& I hope it will help other very well whoever want to learn spoken English in 30 days..
Lakshminarayana Varma
It helps more for the students and the employees to learn or upgrade awareness of using English language in our regular life and correct the errors both in writing and speaking. Thank you all. It helps very to the students in the rural or remote regions who want to learn.
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