
Make money taking surveys from your phone.

Total ratings

2.39 (Rating count: 44,928)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • The app is constantly crashing and has many bugs.
    • Users report not receiving points or rewards for completed surveys.
    • There are very few surveys available, leading to frustration.
    • The app requires personal information for surveys.
    • Users experience issues with account creation and access.
    Most mentioned
    • The app is a scam or fraudulent.
    • Surveys either do not load or result in errors.
    • Limited number of surveys available.
    • The app crashes frequently during use.
    • Users feel their personal information is being harvested.
    See reviews for QueOpinas on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.30
    All time rating average: 2.39
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    76% (16)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    sergio ruano
    This app is a fraud and scam. They ask you to take a survey for points, you take the survey, and then they do not give you the points. A message comes up saying that the same answers have been provided under the same profile. This is a lie since it was the first time I tried it. I did a few surveys thinking it was an error, but same results. They are just trying to capture your personal information. Don't download this.
    elias albrecht
    I think this app is used to stole your information. All of the questions are about your family, who live with you, etc. It's too strange, be careful
    Gil Giberga
    Did two surveys after that kept crashing. I'll give it a day or two. If not fixed I'm uninstalling it.
    Ricardo Mejia
    As soon as I registered I noticed that there was no option for you to put you Paypal information to receive your payments, that was a red flag for me. Not worth my time, plus, it tells you that you are not allowed to delete your information.
    Fernanda Mon
    It's too bad, when you try to do a survey it either doesn't load and goes blank or just takes you out and you have to do it again, it's frustrating. I already uninstalled it
    Elinette Molinares
    You start to make the surveys and the app stoo completely. When you go back you lose the survey and have to start all over again for the same thing to happen. If is not that its that the survey is not found.
    Rosa Acosta
    BAD!! First it didn't upload then I finally open one to do and it tells me ...I already filled it or kick me out! I got so frustrated that i uninstalled.
    Ernesto E. Molina
    It has a lot of bug, do not recommended
    Denisse Ramos
    The last survey didnt let me finish it to go on, so there is no way you can go forward to earn more points
    Mike Díaz
    At first the app seemed fine but then it kept telling me to check my internet connection even though my wifi was fine
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