Make Price List & Invoice

Price list and invoice maker for shopkeepers and service providers

Total ratings

3.77 (Rating count: 2,411)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and easy to use
  • Offers essential features for free
  • Effective for managing inventory and price lists
  • Helped improve business management for many users
  • Good for categorizing and organizing different items
  • Barcode scanning is often inaccurate or slow
  • Inability to recover data across devices with email login
  • Missing key features like printer settings and item detail visibility on invoices
  • Issues with backing up data that overwrite existing items
  • Limited customization options for product lists and categories
Most mentioned
  • Barcode scanning issues
  • Data recovery concerns
  • Missing invoice detail features
  • Need for more customization options
  • Lack of printer settings
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 3.77
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Date Author Rating Comment
Deepak Keshari
Scanner is not very fast and scanning not correctly fastery... And all of is good... we are not able to export photo.. Half product
Wali mohammad khan Osmani
I love you're hard work And one problem when make invoice the quantity of the list isn't updating. The quantity of the item show the same before it's was. It's need to be fix ❤️
Joseph Medel
A very useful app for free! One little problem though, when I scan the bar code,more often than not, it would not show the already saved product details. update: I think I see what the problem is. The printed upc code is too small/not that clear.
Pratap Piprotar
This app is best For Shopkeeper.... Verry Helpful.... I have a suggestion for this app.... Plz Add feature like "you search Product name As per you add in list so you get a product details... But if you search with space or without space or similar search option not available" Kindly improve that.
Muhammad Waqas
One of the Best App for Shopkeepers. Available all needed features for free. It is missing 2 major features but i would still give it 5 star. Features details are:- Firstly there is no Printer Settings Feature available where we can select page setting like A4 size, 38mm printer, thermal printer, normal printer. Secondly the backup option replaces all the data which is very bad. We need that it skip the same items and back up only unique items.
Swaraj Mondal
This app is login by email, if one day the email password is forgotten then its data is no longer available. So if this app is login with phone number then there will never be any problem.
anand bansal
Latest update is best, but sir 2 things are missing 1) auto update after new item is inputs Application must run a auto update after any new work done (Update option Manullay many time is a forgettable thing 2) in invoice section there must be option of amout change Some times the selling price to some customers verrys as per quantity so the amount for sale listed in item list musst have a option in invoice section that can be either reduced or increase Pls come up with this update ASAP
Jhunreyjay Blase
very easy to use and very accurate on discription items
Ramandeep Singh
this app works very smoothly and very good app. but please add expiry date reminder in this app . its very necessary
Dragonsking King
I love the App. is very good, but I need a way to keep all my devices updated from the same source instead of loading the same content to each one. I love the app so much that I can pay for a version who gave me that and teh possibility to create my own fields
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