Reviews of Scoreboard Hockey

List of user reviews and ratings for Scoreboard Hockey

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 1,072)

Review summary

  • Great design and simple to use
  • Good for scorekeeping and offers penalties for free
  • Works well for different types of hockey (knee hockey, ice hockey)
  • Easy to use once set up
  • Fun to play around with
  • Color visibility issues on newer phones
  • Lags with penalties and lacks customization options for penalties
  • Score text and numbers are difficult to read
  • Missing features like shot counter
  • End horn sound is unsettling for some users
Most mentioned
  • Visibility issues with scoreboard
  • Need for additional features like customizable sounds and shot tracking
  • Overall ease of use once familiar with settings
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.45
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jayden Yungkans
Nice, But please add a customizable goal horn for the home side when you add a goal and also add a shot counter
Wladimir Segura
great design,simple to use and free! Thanks!
Claire Hill
Brilliant just please change the end horn it's scaring some of the people watching
Tatjana Ignace
Best app ever 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Martin Ulrich
It is just the basics but that is so much better. Fighting should be on the ice not with app.
John Hitchcock
Used to be a great app that worked just the way it should but God forbid you get a newer phone, not the latest but newer, then the scoreboard turns into a black & white outline mode that you can't tell what the numbers are. With no way to change color to make it more visible, I'd gladly pay for it if the numbers could be read. Please take into consideration people who update their phones and maybe update the app too? Pleaae fix this, people with newer phones need to use these apps too.
Colton Kirkland
Amazing app! 1 request. Could you add an option to change the end of period horn?
This is the perfect scoreboard app for knee hockey, and it can easily work for ice hockey, as long as you have a designated scorekeeper. I've seen people say you can't record shots on goal or that the penalty time can't be customized, but you can easily find the right settings if you look for a few seconds. Easy to use, but it gets the job done. Very well made
Max Grieser
the app is good besides the score text. i can't see the numbers.
Mark DaShark
Went from color to black and white. Impossible to read.
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