Poster Maker, Flyer Maker

Create a poster & flyer using the beautiful design templates. Quick & Easy.

Total ratings

4.74 (Rating count: 135,946)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User friendly and intuitive design
  • Wide variety of templates and graphics
  • No watermark option without premium fee
  • Helpful tools for graphic design needs
  • Good customer support and quick resolution of issues
  • Frequent prompts to subscribe to premium
  • Watermark on free version projects
  • Issues with subscription not being recognized
  • Limited access to features without premium
  • Ads when switching screens
Most mentioned
  • User friendly and easy to use
  • Premium subscription model
  • Quality templates and design tools
  • Watermark inconvenience
  • Customer support responsiveness
See reviews for Poster Maker, Flyer Maker on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.74
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Date Author Rating Comment
User friendly, intuitive design with a lot of useful tools for your mobile graphic needs. Thanks.
Donal Hancock Fan Donal Hancock Fan
A very good poster making app that i love! It dose deserve 5 stars but the thingy that comes up about you have to pay for something and that is so anoyying, but otherwise, its a very good app, and i love it so so so much!!!!
Raghu Nandan
Lovely App to design...Easy to Use... Can be appreciated if Font & Size of Some text can be feasible to edit.
Blayze Gaterr
The best among all apps for yourself and your relatives. it's very easy to use and the opportunity is in your hands.
shafiqe Aida
Love this apps, easy to use and a lot of pretty choices of templates and graphics sales and event such as hari raya and qurban, thanks for creating this apps. Again try to install it to know it.
First of all I would like to say thank you so much to the developer as well as the members in team. This is the best App for design for any advertising. It's improved my business with best results. I will always use this app for my personal and business aspects.
Hanna Thomas
I love poster maker a lot it has no watermark option. Thanks for not as premium to remove watermark. And hope you guys won't ask for premium cuz some people like me can't afford it. 😊✨ Please i request you again please don't make everything premium.
N. Dileep Joshi
much needed app for designing posters. very helpful and useful. templates are nice
San Gar
It's good. Not too many Ads to make it distracting. Used it to make a fundraising poster for school which had choices of save formats from PDF to PNG and JPG.
Hussan koya K
A very good app to make kinds of posts. But I can't use the text option properly.
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