
Price and stock notifications with over 2000 retailers globally!

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4.00 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for NotifyPrice on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.00

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29% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
George Glover
I have used this app religiously in the past and then stopped using it as I didn't really need it anymore until a week or so ago. This app is awesome as it did everything I needed. Now when selecting tracked items, it may not load the information all the way or at all. And when you back out of the nonloaded item, the app crashes with a pop-up saying it crashed because there was a bug.
Sierra Reskin
Awesome! It lets you send your list to friends and family so that they can see your wishlist and more. Also notifies you when the price goes down
A Google user
can't get past entering email address, server error, please advise. *** existing account via the app***
A Google user
Couldn't get to work
A Google user
This app has some serious potential but you need to improve it. For example ad a tutorial for first time use. You can ad more info product and price descriptions
A Google user
Good tracking app that for sure help me to know when the deal come ... Thanks
A Google user
Doesn't seem to work