Linear Access Control App

access control, mobile access, mobile credentials, access control solution

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2.50 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Linear Access Control App on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 1.25
All time rating average: 2.50

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Date Author Rating Comment
Jami Bullock
Either the app or the lift, but one or both stopped working within 2 years. Got a LiftMaster.
jordan johnson
This app was working great for getting into my school until a couple weeks ago and now it won't open. I click on the app then it starts loading but suddenly closes itself making me unable to get into my school. 🫤
vicky torres22
Bad bad
Brian Gamble
App itself works, but this system is much more cumbersome to use than BluePass which they discontinued for no apparent reason. You need to unlock your phone and open this app every time you want to access a door and it has a 10 second time out. Not convenient at all when you need to enter multiple doors. A key fob or key card is more convenient than Bluetooth for the user. Readers are a waste of money in my opinion. Might help if you don't want to manage keycards. But the user's will hate it.