
Positive social

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 2,929)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Kid-friendly alternative to TikTok
  • Creative platform for making videos and participating in challenges
  • Safe environment for children
  • Ability to make accounts private
  • Fun to watch other people's content
  • App frequently glitches and has lag issues
  • Problems with uploading and posting videos
  • Ads interrupt usage and sometimes prevent posting
  • Inconsistent video quality across different devices
  • Some users experience account login issues or loss of content
Most mentioned
  • App is glitchy and laggy
  • Problems with posting videos after watching ads
  • Inability to search for sounds or find certain features
  • Random deletion of videos
  • Quality issues based on device used
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.33
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Date Author Rating Comment
Lori Peer
Great app. It's like a kid friendly TikTok app. But the reason it's a 4 is bc 1. The lighting and video quality is so dark (prob bc I have a diffrent type of phone ) 2. I can't search up sounds. 3. It's randomly deleted my videos and 4. It always kicks me out . But still is really good. Plus if you don't want a public account you can make ur account private and only ur followers can see it or who u pick . Overall the best DOWNLOAD IT NOW
Michaela Muller
This is an amazing app, but usually only verified people win the challenges, and it takes forever to log back into your account.
This app is pretty slow the videos work but go really slow. When you try to sign in it won't work.
Aubree Sanders
I gave it three stars because every time I tried to open it it would say no new post and I tried to upload the video of your parents saying you could do it and it wouldn't let me it said try again or send an email to and it's like wouldn't let me open it it's taking forever to load
Cobie Jaye
i love this app but somtimes i try and load a post to watch it it wont let me and it kicks me out the app even tho that happens it ia still a really good app u can learn dances, join challenges, make sounds,make challenges,get premiunm,get verified, and loads mor DOWN LOAD THIS APP ITS INCREDIBLE
Terrence Pichon
My daughter loves Coverstar, but we do have a few problems with it. 1. Whenever she wants to post a video, she has to watch an ad, but after the ad, she still can't post it! She has tried to post this video more than 5x! And I'm not gonna spend my money on Premium just for that. 2. Whenever she tries to comment on a video, most of the time, it rejects her comment! And whatever she tries to comment isn't bad at all! She comment positive things! It takes her a bunch of tries just to comment!
Lana Mohamed
This app was soo cool until it literally just signed me out for no reason?!!😭 And when I keep pressing sign in with Google it says: "something went. wrong please try again!." FIX THIS pleaseeee 😭🥺
Kinsley Starnes
Okay for 1 why does it have to not work? Like gurl. I was trying to make a sound and gurl it didn't want to work. Sometimes it will work ,and I love dancing to all different songs but girl it seems to not really impress me. I don't recommend this app.
Cover star is a great app for kids to vlog and hauls and get ready with mebbecause I honestly think that cover start is a another version of tick tock but more kid-friendly. The app does not tolerate sexual content or cuss words. So if you're wanting to find a social media app for your child that wants to be like a vlogger and do fun stuff then this app is a great way to get them started now. Membership is not really membership. It's just special features that you can use but $60 A year ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Honestly, I loved it on my Samsung tablet the quality was good it didn't lag but now that I got it on my phone it made my whole phone not work for a while almost to the point where things were worrisome the video quality isn't good at all on my version of phone because when I record it's all black unless I have direct light on my camera pls fix this 🥺
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