Coffee Mania - Sorting Jam

Solve the color sort puzzle! Unblock the coffee pack jam and join the craze!

Total ratings

4.52 (Rating count: 25,183)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and satisfying sorting puzzle mechanics
  • Addicting gameplay experience
  • Some users found enjoyment in playing despite issues
  • Heavy reliance on ads to progress through levels
  • Levels often designed to encourage ad watching or purchases
  • Many levels considered impossible without additional power-ups or purchasing slots
Most mentioned
  • Ads are frustrating and interrupt gameplay
  • Levels can feel rigged, requiring watching multiple ads to complete
  • Difficulty inconsistency in the level design, leading to frustration
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 4.52
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31% (19)
Date Author Rating Comment
Lauren Hudson
At first a really fun and satisfying sorting puzzle. However a few things made it really hard to play, the auto ads are pretty annoying but short enough, but after playing a few levels I realized it's not really set puzzles but more like RNG which means sometimes the puzzle generates in way that is impossible not to use a continue which requires a really long ad watch or spending money and the 5 life limit system means even if you pay the ridiculously large no ads fee at 10.99 you'll still wait.
cryptidkid C
"ads not ready!" what does this even mean?? the second level is labeled as a hard one, but you obviously don't have many coins yet and it won't let me watch an ad. so what, i'm expected to pay real money already, just to get through level 2? i'll pass.
Kryslyn Ewen
My only concern is that the difficult and normal levels aren't very spaced out. Im on level 304 and the last 20 levels have been all hard levels. The hard levels should be more spaced out.
Britny H
Ironic name. The game was glitching (jamming) so much that I actually was unable to play long enough to know how good this game is at balancing their ads. For the limited time I did have, I enjoyed the game, and there was only an ad offered to gain a life back.
Felicity FL
Ad farm - levels designed to be as close to impossible as they can be to force the use of ads in order to advance, pay to win with extra steps. Level 8 has a 5th colour blocking off the last part before you can finish so you have to pay for the extra slot. It's not worth the download.
Cory Felix
This game is so dumb. Nearly every level requires a power up to pass, or you can continue with an extra space after watching an ad. You can get extra power ups, by watching an ad. You can get coins to continue the level without watching an ad. You get the coins by watching an ad. You watch an ad in between levels about evey 5 levels. You can pay to get rid of between levels. This whole app is just ads.
Kimbalee Eastwood
Why would you make a level where I need an orange tray straight up but I can't get that orange tray until I've gotten rid of some blue. Stupid. Unplayable. Totally rigged for you to have to either watch ads or buy things.
Cheyenne Hollowell
Game is as advertised the problem is the levels are set up where there is physical no way to pass many of them without power ups. You also don't win power ups for free so you will either be constantly watching videos or spending money.
Amber Shaw
The first 50 or something levels were exceptionally hard, then they got simpler, and now around 247 the levels have started repeating. Idk what's going on.
Nicholas Aguirre
This game has an issue where it will randomly generate the order of the cups, but it creates some levels that are literally impossible to complete without losing and having to restart and hope for a better random layout.
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