No Crop for IG - CroPic

Unleash your creativity with our ultimate photo editor, no crop app!

Total ratings

4.52 (Rating count: 3,650)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good app for cropping photos
  • Easy to use
  • Helpful for creating posts for Instagram
  • Resolves issues with customer support
  • Too many ads
  • Ads are long and intrusive
  • Ads make the app nearly unusable
  • Privacy concerns with ad vendors
Most mentioned
  • Excessive advertisements
  • Ease of use for cropping posts
  • Good app for Instagram
  • Request for better image quality preservation
See reviews for No Crop for IG - CroPic on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.52
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Rating filters

5 star
32% (8)
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8% (2)
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4% (1)
1 star
48% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
P Parisa
Your lots of ads make me craxy
Alok Yadav
good app for crop photo
Vizkhoo Mf
too much ads
Manika Vishwakarma
lot of advertisements 😑😑
Kajal Kushwaha
It's a very good app, I was saddened, I was looking for you a lot for this thing but couldn't find it, I was really sad, there was an app which I was not able to get, it was a bad thing, you were good
Dipali Mahamuni (Dipali)
So many add so I don't like aap
Caleb L
80% ad 20% app
Andy H.
Endless ads and long ones!
Tamanna Vishwakarma
this app is very helpful 🤌 💞 and other app according between defferent 👍😉
The ads are out of hand. Makes the app pretty unusable. Time to find a new way to make money, developers. What's the next frontier after the ads?
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