Project Management System

PMS APP is employee attendance application.
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Date Author Rating Comment
Khursheed Begum
Worst app there can ever be. Other apps for attendance such as for Sindh police is working well however this app for teachers is so misfunctioned that I waste almost an hour to login in... Just a waste of time
Faisal Arain
Very poor performance.. Hate this app
Shakeela tabassum
Need to improve it's Quality .It's take more time in login & logout process
Waqar Ali
This app is very bad .he is inlvolving inour govt service .this ap is very very bad
Younis Laghari
Worst app you can imagine, shame on sindh government, this app is only used to torture teachers
Miss Hit Fit
Very bad experience.... poor app.. Irritating not working properly
Ayaz Ali
Not working properly during login
Tayyab Jokhio
This app not working well
sobhaninanik Sobhani
This app is not working as this app can create psychological diseases among the users, especially among teachers because they are performing mental work Suggest to Google for ban on this app
Sher Muhammad
The wrost app I have ever use in my whole life.more issues than my life issues .local low quality server
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