ازمون ایین نامه رانندگی ۱۴۰۲

دانلود جدیدترین سوالات ازمون ایین نامه رانندگی ۱۴۰۲ همراه با بسته طلایی

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 13,269)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful application for passing the driving test
  • Good design and organization of content
  • Helps users achieve their goals in the driving test
  • Excessive advertisements, even after payment
  • Incorrect answers in some exams
  • Requires payment to unlock more tests
Most mentioned
  • Advertisements are annoying and frequent
  • Paid features do not effectively remove ads
  • General usefulness of the app for driving test preparation
See reviews for ازمون ایین نامه رانندگی ۱۴۰۲ on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.89
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Date Author Rating Comment
Design Drawer
It is not good. I could not use it as a real helpful app
fire workers
A good app for pass the driving test. Use it you won't regret it at all.
Zahra Alipour
The application is useful. However the advertisements are annoying and too long. Although I paid for the questions, I have to see the ads before each exam. I do not like it :(
marry ramzanii
Thin program have Important things ,so its very good
Matineh Ahmadi
Tank you for this app , its really good
parvin astereki
Very good app but have very ads
mohammad kermany
there is no ads in it. useful and pretty designed. but you should pay money for more exams and functions.
Arsha Bararpour
Its better than another apps and i like it beacuse this app help me to recive my laissens
Zeinab Hosseini
One star is more for this ridiculous app , there is too much ads on it even though, when you wanna see the ads to see you result( you are force to see ads) now you can't.why? So important , because ads are not ready... bravo you win for making a harmful app
eddie cooro
Worst app. Uses it's own payment gateway, and even after paying it still requires you to watch ads!!!!
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