
NiftyInvest App provides you historical option data, max pain, Put call ratio
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Date Author Rating Comment
Bappa Roy
Requre more improvement like volume graph and shifting open intarest graph and shifting divergence Nd many more
Satyesh Soni
Best app for option analysis ..thanks to me login nahi ho raha he through gmail login and not getting forgot password link. Plz kindly check it
Sreeraj PV
More adds. Can't seen any information properly. Please provide paid version with out adds.
Md Firdosh Alam
Not opening is telling me to disable ad blocker only an ad is an ad
Very good app. I am daily spent around 9 to 3 pm on this app on trading days.
Sanjay Gupta
Very nice app.. please explain me how to read data for buying and selling call put..
Roushan Kumar
Always shows only Ad-Blocker Detector ON. Even though I don't have any Ad-Blocker software on my phone, what's the drama about this?
sachin gholap
Any time open app continue unwanted most add .. And before some time this app can't open.. I think no need this app everyone download Play Store.. Waste time..
Preeti Nyaynite
Good App. NEVER EVER REMOVE the callput oi page! If you guys want you may charge fees I'm ready to pay from 500rs to 1000rs monthly just for that callput oi graph. Seriously.
Rajeev Sharan
Technical tools is very good and helpful for trading.
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