PA Driver’s Practice Test

Practice questions that will help you prepare for your PennDOT driver’s test.

Total ratings

4.32 (Rating count: 2,454)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Questions in the app closely mirror those on the actual permit test.
  • Many users reported passing their tests after using the app.
  • The app helps users memorize questions and answers effectively.
  • Users appreciate the ability to track their scores and progress.
  • Formatting issues, including cut-off content, make the app difficult to use.
  • Some users experience bugs that prevent them from accessing certain answer options.
  • A lack of customization options for practice questions is frustrating for some users.
  • Compatibility issues with certain devices, especially newer Android versions and Chromebooks.
Most mentioned
  • The app is very helpful for preparing for the permit test.
  • It often recycles the same set of questions, which can become repetitive.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.32
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dave Hughes
Please update for Android 15 (newest version)!!! We couldn't download it from the PlayStore to any of our Google Pixels phones (Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8) because the app says it's not compatible with this version of the Android. I managed to download it to an older device and sideload it to our devices but most people won't know how to do that. Otherwise it does the job although it could stand an update for larger displays.
This app doesn't work on your Chromebook!! It may work on a computer, but I have no idea!! But besides that I think it works pretty well!! When I say it doesn't work with the Chromebook, it means that it doesn't fit on your Chromebook screen
Samantha Zimmerman
If you get 100% five times in a row in the app you don't have any reason to be nervous, cause you'll pass the test with 100%😉plus in PA you can skip up to three questions not including the ones you get wrong!The questions and pictures are exactly the same but in different order😁you got this!
Astro Quasar
Found this app while just looking around for practice things and came across this. This app is amazing for such a simple thing. It helped me immaculately, and I passed the permit test very easily! The pictures and questions are extremely similar. Just be sure to continue doing the practice test here a lot to ensure you get all the possible questions and memorize the answers. It helps a lot and is very much worth it!
This app is literally unbelievable! At first I wasn't 100% sure it was legit, but everything on the real permit test is literally the exact same as the app: the questions, options, and even pictures! It is because of this app that I completed my permit test perfectly in 2½ minutes!
The questions in the quiz itself are fine, but the app formatting is not good. The bottom of the screen is cut off and theres no aspect ratio settings so i can hardly tap the fourth option and generally cant even read the full thing. It would be 5 stars if the formatting made this app actually usable.
Wasnt ever able to get over 70% due to a consistant app glitch that made the 4th answer go off screen, making it inpossible to answer some questions correctly. Overall a decent app, but please fix this bug.
m c
There is a big issue with the formating of this app, for some reason these is a big black box at the bottom of my screen on every question when I open this app, as if there should be a pop up ad or something but nothing is there and it blocks the last answer option on every question!? Is anyone else experiencing this??
Logan W
It's a good app, I didn't take the test at the dmv yet so I wouldn't know if it worked or not, I do have high Hopes. I wish y'all added the signs from like intersections and Stuff but it is a great app besides not being able to see what you did wrong on the sign ones.
USE THIS APP!!! I studied this at least 5 times a day, the more you do, the more it becomes easier and you memorize it!!! I just got my permit and passed on the first attempt! Make sure this stuff stays fresh in your mind and you'll be good to go!!! I love how it shows your scores so you can see your progress!
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