NFTfolio NFT Portfolio Tracker

NFT Portfolio Tracker App. Track NFT prices, trends, & more!

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4.35 (Rating count: 107)
See reviews for NFTfolio NFT Portfolio Tracker on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.35
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Date Author Rating Comment
Push Rod (PushRod88)
Best Solana NFT app on the market ATM
Wai Linn Htoon
Nice project 👍
rahul roy
Hey it's me friendly neighborhood yuzhong
Jordan Ferguson
Great concept but needs work. Can't figure out how to remove nfts from collections I had to add.
Peter B
Only recognizes 3/4 of what's in my wallet.
No veve support but has a lot of other NFTs which I don't bother with
kenzie shinaayo
The interface is top notch... It works perfectly and very useful
Jeff B
Unfortunately, the app doesn't show all collections from the marketplaces... one of my wallets showed only 1 collection out of 6 verified collections... also needs the ability to read multiple wallets at a time instead of having to change wallets over and over again. Do this and you have The best NFT portfolio app available. At the moment I may aswell just use my wallet app
Joanna Jacalne
Too glitchy and causing a security concern for me.
Kap Theo
Bad app, inaccurate
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