
Simple, Smarter Access Control. Created for Business.

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 109)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient for late night laundry runs
  • Easy to use and functional once learned
  • Good customer service and support
  • Transformative for business operations
  • 24-hour availability for users
  • Intermittent access issues and reliability problems
  • Limited features compared to iPhone version
  • Time-consuming password reset process
  • Occasional failure to detect doors
  • Less efficient than traditional keys
Most mentioned
  • Access issues and frustrations with using the app
  • Convenience and ease of use
  • Customer service experiences
  • Comparative limitations on Android versus iPhone
See reviews for Nexkey on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.53
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Date Author Rating Comment
Update: This App is great! It was\is the place of business that I had/have issues with... My Experience with the place of business that uses this app, has cost me three hours of my life! Paradise Laundry, in Roseville, CA., uses this app. This place of business has an emergency number to call, should you need help.
Ilah Cole
I haven't been able to use my phone since October. I have an androud and its very frusating.
Michael Pierce
I like it, but my counterparts have iphones and they have options that I don't on a android, need to be the same options across the board, they can make the door stay open for a certain amount of time on iPhone, you can't do that on Android, auch a shame.
Monica Reyes
Love the convenience of this app. I only use it for late night laundry runs ! I cant tell you how much i appreciate an app like this one . Very simple to use!
Josette Mcintosh
I love the 24 hr. Availability to paradise laundry
Samantha Oldham
Great easy app
S Page
Works great! Would install on all of my interior office doors if it wasn't so pricey at $29/month per door.
VerRonica Lopez
It takes 24-48 hours to actually use the app and gain access....Ive only been able to gain access 1 time. The 2nd time I had forgotten my password, and the only option to reset my password is to send a code to my phone, however, I no longer have access to the phone connected to that number.... therfore, unable to unlock the door to do my laundry. Frustrating. Tonight, being the 3rd time, still, unable to get in. Very frustrating. Starting to think I might wanna just do laundry elsewhere.
Buck Molina
Felt like I was a VIP!
George Klesel
Doesn't work on my gate. Worked fine the first 5 times
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