Craft Survival: Undead Warfare

Can you defeat the undead army in this shooting & defense game?

Total ratings

2.80 (Rating count: 43)
See reviews for Craft Survival: Undead Warfare on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.33
All time rating average: 2.80

Rating filters

5 star
17% (1)
4 star
3 star
33% (2)
2 star
1 star
50% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
N b C r
The game has no screen rotation.
Gerhard Swart
It Looks good
Joe Mama
if you told me this was a minecraft spin-off, i would believe you. ok graphics, wonderful UI, but ads after every level so only 3 stars.
It seems like a decent game, bad AI but the few levels are fun, the stars are buggy I have 47/41 and am missing stars on 2nd area even though I 3 stared everything, no way to get more upgrade stuff besides watching ads and I doubt this game will get updated, so overall it's a barely made game.
Warren Bonqueequee
Once I opened the game, I immediately ran into a bug where the screen went upside down, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
Fridon Chagalidze