Translate: Language Translator

Translate All Languages using voice, text and images with Translator app

Total ratings

3.73 (Rating count: 7,441)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • The app has a one-time payment option for an ad-free experience
  • It can recognize text from images well
  • Some users find it fun to play with
  • Excessive ads that interfere with usability
  • Poor translation quality compared to better alternatives
  • Designed to mimic Google Translate, leading to user confusion
  • Subscription and payment issues reported by users
  • Inability to handle certain language translations effectively
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads making the app nearly unusable
  • App designed to look like Google Translate but provides a poor experience
  • Poor translation quality, especially for some languages
  • Issues with payment subscriptions and misleading pricing
See reviews for Translate: Language Translator on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.73
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59% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
This is the worst translation application I've ever seen. First of all, this one is scamming us by adding almost Google look alike logo. Secondly, too many ads that I don't know where to click. And lastly, it doesn't even hear what we say, my phone's mic is perfect and we'll and it doesn't even recording some words when the voice is lower
Ajay Nadathur
What a useless app, every since action triggers an ad. How can anyone have a decent conversation with this thing?
Kal Cartwright (Pluto)
Crikey. It's the ad-pocaltpse in this app. Literally every 2nd or 3rd click (not translation, CLICK) makes you watch 15-30 seconds of ads. Would give 0/5 if I could.
Worst application, even single word translation getting ADS waste of time
Opal Bell
App is ok with ads but if u pay to go adfree it's much better plus unlike other ads who charge monthly they charge 1 time and u get adfree for lifetime of app
Elias Bats
Not getting 5 stars until you're translations are as good as DeepL
Nathan Rinkhart
Intentionally designed to look like Google Translate but with ads. There's a free alternative that's better, don't use this.
Dan Ferry
Pretending to be by Google, loads of ads
Jason B
I don't mind ads, but there were so many ads that the app was basically unusable. Uninstalled.
Like The Jeans (Re:no eNVy)
I do wish that the premium version came with the option to select voices, at least in English anyway... Otherwise it's a neat little tool ... kind of fun to play with.
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