UNIVERGE 3C Mobile Client Plus

This Mobile Client is an Unified Communications application for enterprise.

Total ratings

3.23 (Rating count: 77)

Review summary

  • The latest version works well with the latest release of 3C.
  • UI refresh is positive.
  • Includes video calling and Group Chat features.
  • Improvements in SIP phone functionalities.
  • Routine issues with app registration for Android users.
  • Bugs and crashes, particularly after updates.
  • Poor audio quality.
  • Late updates to resolve core functionality issues.
Most mentioned
  • Registration issues for Android users.
  • Bugs and crashes after updates.
  • Audio quality problems.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.23
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Rating filters

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38% (5)
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8% (1)
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23% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Our company has had routine issues with the app not registering for Android users. When updates are rolled out, IOS users seem not to have issues while Android users lose access for numerous days until bugs are fixed. Currently, we are having this issue again with Android users for some reason.
Mxx Kxx
Pretty good, no complaints, works as expected.
Jamie Dikes
Not user friendly
Jason Koslowski
App is super buggy and audio quality is terrible
Dan Haasken
Won't register. Worked for a little while but for some reason will no longer register on my android phone. Seems to work on my ipad though.
A Google user
The latest version of the mobile client works great with latest release of 3C. The UI refresh over the last couple of releases has been positive. Love the video calling and Group Chat features.
A Google user
The last update doesn't show the photos from the contacts, crash on Android 9 when I try to register the softphone, the erase button does nothing, the video calls doesn't work and the hang-up button delays too much. Update: with the last update (9.130.17) everything works fine.
A Google user
latest update crashes when opening the app on Pixel 3 XL Android 9 January security patch Edit: Changed rating as the app was fixed in a timely manner and I like the new UI changes.
A Google user
I do not know if it is an issue with the app or not. There is a big lag when I press the icon to stop the call. It only responds after more than 30 seconds.
A Google user
Latest release still will not allow soft media phone registration over cellular which is the core function of the app. It has taken over a month to get an update and it's still broken. Please resolve this issue ASAP!
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