
Finding, calling or emailing Vendors on-the-go has never been easier.

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5.00 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for MyVendorCenter on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
Great program to ensure home owners are protected by having any and all vendors verified for license, insurance and workers comp even before quote process starts!
A Google user
Works great! Now I have easy access to all my vendors, and my event business runs more smoothly.
A Google user
Finally an easy way to make sure our Vendors have the necessary credentials. I'd like to see them expand on this app in the future and allow us to set requirements directly from the app itself.
A Google user
I really like having my vendor's contact info handy on my phone, without having to commingle with my phone's default (personal) contacts. Having access to not only my preferred vendors, but the ability to search for needed vendors is a huge plus!
A Google user
Quite useful app that works great. Glad someone though of it. Highly recommend it