Official Freedom Trail® App

The Official Freedom Trail Foundation app.

Total ratings

4.17 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Official Freedom Trail® App on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.17
All time rating average: 4.17

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Date Author Rating Comment
Ricky Ziegahn
Really nice audio tour, walking the trail with this was a great experience and much cheaper than a tour guide (and you can go at your own pace).
Eric Lashbrook
Great tour through the historic sites of Boston. I had zero issues with GPS or navigation. The map paired with the brick walkway made it easy to follow. Highly recommend for any history buff or Boston visitor!
Toni Warburton
Loved the tour, hated the app. Nearly every time if we stayed longer than 15 minutes at a site, the app stalled and wouldn't advance to the next stop. I had to close out of the app and reopen it, then find the stop we were at and play. I had downloaded the tour prior to setting off, but I don't know what good that did. Also would be great to have hours of operation available on the app. Disappointing end to the tour to find out the ships are closed on the days we were in town.
Tom Dreyer
A wonderful way to experience the freedom trail. The commentary is a great balance of each sites historical context and it's modern day experience. You can go at your own pace and the in app map helps get you to spots within each location with more in depth details. Would recommend starting with a fully charged battery as I used up a good chunk during our walk.
Pretty good, has some rough edges like GPS will sometimes trigger the wrong stops when they are close together. That said, it does do what it's intended to do reasonably well so a solid 4 stars in my book.
Jamie C
Worked pretty well after I realized it would recognize where we were and automatically start playing the tour audio for that stop. I just had to keep the app active. My husband and I shared a pair of wireless ear buds.