Video player

video player is media player for Android to play 4K and HD video.

Total ratings

4.51 (Rating count: 30,127)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great sound quality and video playback performance
  • User-friendly interface and easy to use
  • Supports many video file formats
  • Has an equalizer feature that enhances sound
  • Fast and responsive compared to other video players
  • Frequent and disruptive ads, including unwanted dating ads
  • Lacks functionality to create folders for organization
  • Issues with Chromecast support
  • Some audio and video sync problems
  • Crashes and potential malware warnings reported
Most mentioned
  • The presence of ads disrupts user experience
  • App lacks the ability to create folders for organizing videos
  • Crashes and installation issues reported
  • Sound quality is praised but has occasional syncing issues
  • Users appreciated the wide format support
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.51
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Date Author Rating Comment
Cash Opoku
this is a great idea video player for the whole world
Pkdipen Pandey
best for looking at videos player
Kansasvet 69
This here Video Player is the Best their is...I absolutely love it.
Mutesi Jackline
It doesn't need to scroll every time, it is quicker than using gallery
Jackson's Retail Explorations
I wanted to use this app, an ad comes up all the time, like it usually does. But it's actually a dating ad for singles, or something, and I'm not even an adult. And the app asks if it's useful after I close the ad, and it's getting annoying. Yes, it's useful! Three stars.
So you can't create folders, which makes the app entirely pointless in my eyes. Every single one of these apps on the store is the same though, for what reason I don't know. Why would I use this app instead of just using my phone gallery which actually has the ability to create folders? Why would I watch all these ads for something that provides zero utility? Madness...
Kenneth Toh
Video and sound are ok. My issue is Cannot change the playlist view to list or detailed. My filename is too long and I need to go into each video to view what episode I am in. No sorting functions for the files. No showing of embedded subtitles too.
Siris Laursen
Crashes and looks like malware. When I go to uninstall, it appears to present uninstall notification windows from within the program. I had to specifically go to the play store to uninstall successfully.
Saim Jutt
Absolutely, brilliant, excellent, Mind blowing, osm and fabulous application It is working very well and extraordinary great application.It is very interesting and charming app.Amazing features and unique graphics.good and great effort done by developer for making the good app.🥰
Iron Bag
Great picture and great sound, the equalizer was a great idea also. Easy to use. I have absolutely nothing at all bad to say about this app. It did not disappoint me at all. I need a list of other apps made by you guys, everything you make. Thank You very much. 😍
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