ExoStreamr - ExoPlayer Stream

Video Streaming app based on ExoPlayer for playing MP4, DASH, HLS and MSS video

Total ratings

2.88 (Rating count: 82)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good app for streaming with basic functionalities.
  • Works well for testing streams.
  • User-friendly and simple interface.
  • Reliable hls/dash player.
  • No support for custom headers and cookies.
  • Issues with video playback, resulting in black screens.
  • Lack of advanced features like playback speed adjustment and picture-in-picture mode.
  • Does not automatically set landscape mode.
Most mentioned
  • Request for custom headers and playback speed options.
  • Video playback issues with black screen.
  • Desire for additional features like subtitles and multiple DRM MPD support.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 2.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
khôi nguyễn
Good works. Simple but usable, at least for testing stream.
Rushikesh sathe
Video play but sound and picture not show only black screen show
Rohit Verma
Please add playlist features
Please add custom headers and referer in next update,thanks
Gautham “Gautham” Krishna
Its best if you even add custom stream headers option.. Maybe you can in next update!
Rhif Bst
In my opinion, so far the app is pretty good and I like it. but it's even better if you add UserAgent and Referer
Hazim Hizam
A very excellent application, I really liked it. I hope for an additional feature that allows sharing the link to the application without having to open it.
Arnav Geet
Great hls/dash player. Would be even better if it had picture-in-picture playback capability at the resolution selected.
Eddy Clow
Just like Just Player but with change aspect ratio function. Best player and can't wait to see new features added. Such as Volume Booster and Resume Playback.
Anshul Shrivastava
This is Best hls/dash streaming app available on play store. Please add 1.75x playback speed option in next update. Keep resolution and playback speed option at same place if possible.
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