MPP Kabupaten Bekasi

Media informasi layanan publik kab. bekasi, layanan online dan booking antrian
MPP Kabupaten Bekasi is an Android application designed to support the provision of public service facilities in Bekasi. It offers users access to essential information such as profiles of government agencies, types of services and their requirements, important announcements, and enables online queue booking. The app is a valuable tool for citizens and is continually evolving to enhance public services in the region. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed to improve the application further.
Downloads: 4,156
Version: 1.0.6 (Last updated: 2022-07-22)
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: a day ago

User reviews

Gak bisa register, udah isi lengkap datanya malah muncul error, jadi gak bisa login
by Utang Budiwan, 2023-07-03

What do I suppose to do with this app? It does literally nothing. I clicked on their services, and they only showed unclickable buttons. And then what? What do I do from there? Just another useless bad app, as expected from the govt.
by Suci Rhy, 2023-03-31
View all user reviews

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