Advanced Offline Dictionary

Over 300,000 precise definitions. Works offline!Advanced search system.

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 24,589)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent offline functionality with no ads
  • Comprehensive word database with diverse meanings
  • Good pronunciation options, including US and UK
  • Long-term reliable choice for users
  • Helpful for academic and professional uses
  • Overwhelming and persistent ads that interrupt usage
  • User experience issues with word searching and selecting definitions
  • Some definitions may lack depth or repetition
  • Limited functionality for misspelled word searches
  • UI could be improved for better navigation
Most mentioned
  • Persistent ads
  • Searching and selecting definitions issues
  • Comprehensive word list
  • Offline access capabilities
  • Pronunciation features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.25
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Date Author Rating Comment
Noah Mwinyi
Very good and the best dictionary. I recommend to anyone who needs offline dictionary. But only a few issues like the speech in all accents is too fast and if one can tap on a word in the definitions and gets a definition then could be superb.
Lawrence Ugbah
Like the entomological of dictionary app, very expository and educational. I always preferred it to any other of its kind. I really enjoy the long list of the various approach to definition. I actually not noticed any errors yet. If I do any other user and your put on notice, endvour to reflect such in your next update.
God'spower Effiong
Offline guru...Optimistic offline explorer, I would recommend it cause it's durable and efficientπŸ†’πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ”₯
I really enjoyed the app very but I will advice the developers to add more meaning to the meaning of some words and add more words to the list of words.
Kevin John
Everything thing is fine but, while search word onTextChanget event is not help user, please fix it to get best user experience! Thanks for incredible development! πŸ˜‰
Darius Chewe
I have been using this app I think for more than 5 years now. Everytime I think of a dictionary, this is my priority. This is more because of its diversity of meanings and usages of just one particular word. It also gives synonyms.
The best offline dictionary app to ever exist with no ads. It's words capacity is infinite.
Anjola David
I like to believe what i see, but this dictionary is uses data but it uses up a little bit of data and it says offline soπŸ˜‘.That is my complian so πŸ˜‘ change it
Joseph Okunamiri
The best dictionary one can enjoy without any regret downloading the app. No ads. Have speech and can save words offline.
Sebastine Nnadozie
The dictionary is concise and straight to the point and lists synonyms the same time. But most time , one needs to scroll down in order to locate the word being searched for which takes some time.
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