Moto Widget

See date, time, weather, Google Fit data, & more.

Total ratings

3.78 (Rating count: 55,165)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Customizable and efficient interface
  • Good variety and options in widgets
  • Decent weather alerts and notifications
  • Attractive design and font for the UI
  • Frequent and frustrating updates that break functionality
  • Removal of the battery indicator circle
  • Ads and external links in the weather details
  • Limited weather information compared to competitors
Most mentioned
  • Weather widget is inadequate and redirects to AccuWeather
  • Frequent updates lead to loss of preferred features
  • Desire for restoration of the battery indicator circle
  • Inability to customize font and color options
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Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.78
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Date Author Rating Comment
Marshall Heartley
Weather is a cluster!!! When you click on the link to get details, you get the most ad ridden, craptastic page for weather details that I've seen in a while! The main widget is decent and I do like I can get alerts to phenomenon such as rain or other warnings but the link to that website has got to go!
Ron C
Over a year later and nothing has improved. Missing some basic info like UV. Also, the radar map is useless as it doesn't show your area. When you click on it it opens in a browser to show you yet another useless map. It should use your location to show the proper zoomed in radar maps and you should not have to leave the app to see a proper radar map. I disabled it as any other weather app is better.
Saul Evans
Latest update to weather widget is terrible. Clicking on the "more weather details" button no longer opens the default web browser but a browser within the widget. The AccuWeather website is genuinely unusable without an ad blocker and the widget browser can't be customized. There is no option to change this back. Textbook enshittification.
Kenny Springs
Works for me. I don't understand the negative reviews about this app. Everything works great for me. As a matter of fact, I can say that it's near perfect. It's customizable and efficient. However, I gave it four stars because I hate the Air Quality circle, but that's the only other option next to the Battery circle, and an Alarm circle that doesn't work. They should offer other options, like contacts or messenger, and they should offer up to four. For now, though, I really like it.
It looks like Motorola has a habit of messing things up with updates. The latest update in mid-Oct. 2024 broke my weather and clock widgets. The clock no longer changes size-it's stuck vertical, with the hour and minute digits in separate rows, which is incredibly hard to read at a glance and incredibly ugly. The weather widget used to show a whole week of forecasts and had an interactive background that showed the current weather. Now, no forecasts at all and a plain black background.
Unreliable. Weather alert randomly stops working. Failed to alert me to the tornado watches/warnings in my area today. I had to go into settings, turn it off, turn it on again. Then I got an alert. Household weather radios had been issuing tornado & flood watch alerts since early this morning, but according to this app, all was good. You shouldnt have to wake up an app that's supposed to be waking you up during a weather emergency.
Trevor McFadden
Overall, Motorola's got a pretty good set of widgets. I like the size, shape, and font of the UI. My only complaint is that Motorola's weather portion is lacking. In comparison with Google, Motorola does not give a full ten-day forecast. And, when trying to view information about the weather in the widget, it opens up AccuWeather in my browser. One suggestion I have is for Motorola is to improve the weather portion of the app, maybe by providing longer forecasts. Other than that, nice work!
Darien Young
Very useful widgets. Enough variety and options to be helpful. Not perfect but that's to be expected. You can't always please everyone. A few more customisation options would be great, but might also just confuse things unnecessarily. For example the option of toggling on or off the date, battery, time or weather displays. Well done.
Mary Sletten
What happened to the battery indicator circle???? That was a very helpful quick visual status indicator. Also the new font is fat and not attractive. Bring back the battery indicator. Thanks to comments from others I was able to uninstall the update, but it keeps updating itself so at some point that will not be viable. Very disappointed that you'd take away a very functional visible indicator for no reason. 10/25/2022 battery ring has been back for some time but the 100% mark is at 6pm. Why?
Bryon Best
I agree with others about adding options to choose colors, at least for the circle and the Clock font. Seems to me in years past on other phones those options were available. All I have ever owned are Motorola phones, all had this app to some degree, and I seem to remember a time when at least the circle color could be changed. Please ad the color options
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