Reviews of MOGOTRACK

List of user reviews and ratings for MOGOTRACK

Total ratings

2.33 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for MOGOTRACK on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 2.33

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Date Author Rating Comment
Thomas A.
BROKEN, AVOID IT! Can't even sign in; on s23. You tap the sign in button, and it does nothing at all. It doesn't even attempt to connect for sign in. Can't sign in with Facebook, Facebook says the app is not active and is invalid. There is no option to login on their company's website either. Is this company out of business?
Mark Flanagan
Constantly getting unknown error occured when signing in, same error when signing up through qr code on galaxy s21
David Moreno
I hate how it tracks the cars down every single movement and speed i see that as creepy i think you should just be able to push the "report stolen" button and that should be it
A Google user
The device doesn't give current location, but instead stalls in random areas. .. giving it a star rating, because I can't give it less 👎🏽 Definitely not worth the expense!