Daily Breaking News

Fast and easy way of following breaking news

Total ratings

3.91 (Rating count: 1,328)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Interesting and helpful app
  • Good news reader experience
  • Clean and simple interface
  • Lack of magazines and additional content options
  • Unintuitive navigation and settings
  • Limited language support (e.g., lack of Hindi content)
Most mentioned
  • Absence of magazines
  • Unintuitive app functionality
  • Desire for more content options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.91
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35% (7)
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40% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
mazz m (mazz)
Unintuitive. Dark mode seems to require restart of app but this really wasn't obvious. Doesn't seem to remember my country in settings either, although seems irrelevant given that the feeds offered are heavily USA centric. Really disappointing.
Dr. Kamran Khalid Butt
Good Effort, Is there any option to add links for more publishers (readers choice) ?
A Selâm Eren
Search "arama" butonu çalışmıyor, "şehit" yazıp arama yaptım, sonuç yok...
A Google user
Keep it on my phone
A Google user
No magazines left now only news and headlines very disappointed i meant to say that first all the magazines name with thier specific genre was list now only news feed are left no magazine to read
A Google user
remove jio news and bring back jio magz
A Google user
Nice app
A Google user
worst app
A Google user
A Google user
all waste now without magazine
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