English Dictionary & Thesaurus

A large lexical database of English with 140,000 entries and 1.4 million words.

Total ratings

3.82 (Rating count: 29,521)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Versatile full-featured dictionary and thesaurus with offline capabilities
  • User-friendly with features like 'tap to translate'
  • Helpful for students and writers for improving vocabulary
  • Comprehensive and concise reference source
  • Multiple dictionaries available for download
  • Recent updates have restricted access to features unless premium is purchased
  • Constant reminders to download the database and ads in the paid version
  • Loss of offline data and inability to retain downloaded content
  • Intrusive ads with sound, causing embarrassment in public settings
  • Nagging for reviews and subscriptions after purchase
Most mentioned
  • Issues with offline data retention
  • Frequent prompts for premium/subscriptions
  • Intrusive and annoying ads
  • Changes in functionality limiting access to free features
  • Frustration with the app's performance after updates
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.82
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Date Author Rating Comment
Hashim Rameel
What happened to the offline dictionary data. No matter how many times I download the Data, it simply can retain it making it impossible to use the app without internet. Kindly fix that inconvenience. We paid for the app expecting smooth experience.
1 star for pestering me to give a 5 star review after I have paid for the app. Reviewing the app should be voluntary! One month later it started displaying ads. (The app no longer displays ads on the paid version after several updates but it still asks for a review constantly). So, please do not pay for it! Use WordWeb! UPDATE: Now constantly displaying a reminder for premium/subscriptions for a few seconds even after paying for the full version.
Mamoona Yousuf
Used to work fine but recently eroded all the offline data automatically. Now even after repeated downloads, doesn't retain the offline content. So it had to be Uninstalled. Otherwise great dictionary but lacks text to speech.
Anthony C
Based on this developer's comment, "we've focused on refining app performance and resolving issues." Sounds like they don't plan to add new features and words. Basically, maintenance updates. Well, it's better than nothing, I guess. Unlike their sister app, "Oxford Dictionary of English," the last update was 2020.
Andrew Blair
Was going wonderful for years until recently. Honestly one of the best dictionary apps on the market but lately it has restricted any any searching of words until Premium is purchased. I've never paid for a Premium version nor has it prompted me in the past to do so. Not sure if it's a bug or something but very frustrating
Anthony McNeil
This app was exactly what I was looking for, in that I wanted a dictionary app that would allow me to select a word from the web, or even another app, in which I will be able to look up the definition. I recommend this app to everyone, and stand behind my 5-star rating for this app, "The Advanced Dictionary and Thesaurus".
Sarvar Jo'rayev
Your daily trial is over๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚..i thought this app could be more than capable of educating me a wide range of vocabulary as a good tool...however i have mistakenly mistaken cuz after several days even the offline regime of it required to go for premium use of that and as soon as i neglect it the app itself closed down and i uninstalled it..cuz i just couldnt afford its price . Anyway it seems great app to use if some bugs are fixed as much as possible
Spider Webb
I liked this app ok & it was handy. Then after an update, when you go to research a word, a full sized page add pops up! This was then VERY annoying. Update: I've had this app for many years. I downloaded the free app. Now anytime I try to look up a word a page pops up saying "Do More with Premium". And in red says My free trial is over! Didn't say that it was a free trial when I downloaded it. It's greed, that's all. Uninstalling, bye, no bucks from me.
Stingray Seven
Mobi Systems continues to deliver with another outstanding app. However, I wish it had a night mode to facilitate easier reading at night. And would like to see additional words /meanings added on a regular basis. UPDATE: Mobi Systems has updated it's app to offer multiple color theme choices that make it easier to read at night and other challenging conditions. They've also increased the additional words/meanings provided on a regular basis. Great Job Mobi Systems!
A Google user
It's a versatile full feature dictionary & thesaurus with an offline database that's available through the app for download. It also has a 'tap to translate' feature that makes for easy usability when looking for a definition in any language the app supports. There are plenty of dictionaries to download for no cost which only expands it's versatility. I'm quite pleased with the app
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