American Heritage Dictionary

Тhe most comprehensive dictionary with 10,000 words and 4000 full-color images.

Total ratings

4.47 (Rating count: 1,665)

Review summary

  • Comprehensive definitions and usage notes
  • Ability to see word origins and roots
  • Good offline functionality for paid version
  • High-quality content from a respected dictionary series
  • Useful for intermediate to advanced English learners
  • Overwhelming amount of intrusive ads
  • High price for upgraded version compared to physical copies
  • Frequent prompts to upgrade to premium
  • Clunky navigation and user interface issues
  • Problems with loading definitions
Most mentioned
  • Frequent ads and upgrade prompts
  • High cost for the full version
  • Clunky app functionality
  • Great content but issues with usability
  • Concerns about the app update and its features
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.47
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39% (9)
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22% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
mojtaba kashefnia Rashkhar
From the first days of my English learning,I am used to using,referring and adding to my knowledge THROUGH this easy to find words Bible( the old paper book of course). Now more than 3 decades,& still the same with digital dictionary.MANY THANKS TO THE TEAM.FR. IRAN
I have always preferred the American Heritage dictionary, going clear back to when I was in high school. And now with the online version, you can hear the correct pronunciation. American English can be so complex as we developed from British English, but then had a lot of other influences along the way. I'm in America. I want to understand American English.
Michael Laird
Great paper dictionary, terrible ad-plagued app. This used to be my favorite dictionary app despite some non-intrusive ads. Now after I updated, I'm forced to watch ads that play loud music and speech even when my phone is muted! I no longer can use the app unless I'm fine with obnoxious sounds preceding my definition lookup. I'm only giving two stars instead of zero because the definitions and usage notes are still the best once you slog through the ads to get to them.
Grant Zimmerman
Originally gave this 5 stars. Seems to be overdue for an update (trouble loading) and it's throwing ads at me that I need to watch first. I have the paid version, so I'm not pleased with this. The 4 stars will drop to three if the issue isn't resolved in another month or so.
Loy Moser
I used the print version of the American Heritage Dictionary in college and liked it. The definitions were (and are) well worded, clear, and concise. I also love the ability to see the word origins and the deeper understanding that can be given when studying. I paid for the full version of the app and can use it offline, and the premium features I find well worth the price.
Dovette Little
I love the dictionary, yet when I first got it on my old cell 📱 the sound version was free. Now it's a charger man how the world is changing to all about dollar dollar bill if it's supposed to help you learn then should it be free
Leland Parker
American Heritage is the go-to dictionary for full definitions that include FULL derivations of the word roots. AH is the definitive source reference to gain a deep knowledge and command of the English language and its richness and breadth. The definitions in the mobile app include a hyperlink to the Indo-european (IE) roots where you can discover the gems that give English and other IE languages their character. This is a world-class reference app BUT NEEDS A LEGEND FOR THE PRONUNCIATION MARKS.
Sean Kocur
I hate the "new" look and have lost the ability to swipe from definition to definition. Is there any way to go back to the classic look and functionality? This used to be my favorite dictionary app, and now it is my least favorite. I'm really disappointed...
pooya rafieian
I've been using this dictionary many years and previousley only for word vocal pronunciation and Ad free we needed to buy premium version of this dictionary but now they ask for buying premium version even for looking up a word and see the meaning of it. Of course I won't pay for such a thing. I rather to use other free dictionaries
Bob Henchal
As another reviewer has commented, the dictionary is the best, but the price of this app is excessive. I had it for years on my iPhone ($15.00), and now I am expected to shell out $20 for what is not even a new edition? The iOS version appears to be $15, still. Too bad...WordWeb will have to do!
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