Madden School

Dominate Madden 25 with tips, strategies, & ebooks from pro gamers.

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 462)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good tips and advice available
  • Easy to navigate through the app
  • In-depth knowledge on Madden
  • Elevates gameplay for users
  • Consistent updates and information
  • High subscription cost for premium content
  • Many features require payment
  • Content perceived as lacking depth or quality
  • Some reviews mention issues with access or usability
Most mentioned
  • Subscription pricing
  • Quality of tips and advice
  • Mixed feedback on content depth
  • Ease of navigation
  • Improvement in gameplay
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Comment
Rob Walden
I subscribed and never got anything except free tips I don't know why, I tried restore purchase and login and out multiple times the free tips are pretty nice but paying for a subscription and not getting to try at all was frustrating and I don't know how to contact anyone except Google and I just decided to cancel although I still have it till April 2nd I do believe so basically cancel just means it stopped the auto renewal
John Mackenzie
Good tips/ advice but way to much of it has to be payed for.
Matthew Beideman
Some things u have to pay for but for my opinion you should have free split from paying
It's got good information but to ask for $19.99 a month for the "unlimited" tips is halarious. These guys must think they are EA sports themselves with that kind of nonsense. If it were like 1.99$ a month or maybe even a single one time 10$-20$ purchase maybe I'd consider it but what they're asking for is halarious.
Sid Hunt
If you are looking for a easy tips & dependable info... This app brings it consistently...
Joseph Christianson
App is good. Content is eh. Its mostly cheese plays. Its just "Hey everyone here is what we do...". It is NOT a "This is how this defense/offense work, what the players do in each play, how to beat cheese.."
Marvis Jackson
Just bought the ebook this year and the defensive plays are trash. Basically telling you can get great blitzes with 3 man rush. Good luck if you do purchase this year book. Madden school falling off
Geo Lira
These guys are great and on point. These ebooks have elevated my game to the next level.
A Google user
Its easy to navigate through the app and expedite the time studying a playbook instead if using the browser.
A Google user
Could use improvements on userability, organization, and structure, but its ok.👍
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