오키 - 청각장애 음성자막변환 대화/전화/발음교정

Talk/phone/pronunciation correction with Oki, a hearing-impaired application based on voice subtitle conversion

오키 - 청각장애 소통 도우미 앱

오키 - 청각장애 음성자막변환 대화/전화/발음교정 is an innovative Android application designed for individuals with hearing impairments. It facilitates real-time text transcription of conversations, enabling users to easily follow along during face-to-face talks or phone calls. The app includes features like pronunciation correction, pre-saved messages for easier communication, and pronunciation practice tools, making it a valuable resource for enhancing communication for hearing-impaired individuals.

App stats

By: Team Oki
Downloads: 8,927
Version: 1.0.3 (Last updated: 2021-07-27)
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

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