Learn English words & phrases

Memorizing English words and increasing the vocabulary of the English language.

Total ratings

4.77 (Rating count: 1,566)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface and design
  • Effective for memorizing new words and phrases
  • Offers multiple activities and examples to enhance learning
  • Good for self-study and various skill levels
  • Affordable pricing
  • App can experience technical issues (not opening)
  • Multiple internal purchases required
  • Language availability limited (mostly in Russian)
Most mentioned
  • Helpful for learning and memorization
  • Good user interface
  • Technical issues mentioned by users
  • Desire for more language options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.77
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Date Author Rating Comment
Olena Cheren
Мені дуже подобається цей додаток. Із всіх додатків, які я спробувала, цей мені найкраще підійшов. І ціна не дорога. Рекомендую!
Шикарное приложение,всем рекомендую!
Ангелина Андреянова
Очень хорошее и удобное предложение для запоминания новых слов по уровням, рекомендую
Bomj’s Vlogs
Чудова програма для самостійного вивчення англійських слів! Саме те, що я шукав!
Katrina Shalabai
Хорошее приложение для изучения английского. Очень удобно и куча информации. Спасибо.
ai ss
One of the best platforms for memorizing words in my opinion.
Really useful app. Many different options and functions, interface is so easy to understand. This app improve your skills very well. Also app has a lot of another functionality. My recommend.
El Zzade
Изучал мнемотехнику давно. Искал приложение для изучения английского языка ( словарь). Картинки помогают максимально быстро и качественно запоминать и сохранять в долгосрочную память. Спасибо большое , очень доволен.
Юлія Бойко
New words becoming to just written in mind. Multiple examples of using the word make you understand the meaning (not only remember translation) and teach you basics of speaking intuitively. And there are so many types of activities that i haven't tried only because the lack of time. This app makes you do trainings regularly without any effort.
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