Craft Build Block

Craft Build Block is a game where you can build and craft with blocks.

Total ratings

4.03 (Rating count: 41,538)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very similar to the real Minecraft experience
  • Fun to play with friends over the same Wifi
  • Multiple texture packs available
  • Supports mods and add-ons
  • Good graphics and updates, including the latest versions of Minecraft
  • Frequent ads that disrupt gameplay
  • Persistent lagging and crashing issues
  • Problems with world saving and disappearing worlds
  • Issues with multiplayer connectivity
  • Glitches that affect mods and texture packs
Most mentioned
  • Game frequently crashes or does not load properly
  • Annoying ads that pop up often
  • Lag issues, especially when near buildings
  • Problems with saving progress or worlds
  • Difficulty in multiplayer connections
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.03
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Rating filters

5 star
38% (9)
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29% (7)
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21% (5)
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4% (1)
1 star
8% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Fariz Iskandar
This is actually like the real minecraft. For once, I'm actually impressed with a pirated version of Minecraft. Nice job Mucha Go!
It is so much fun I love the mods so much 5 stars
Joseph Dobbs
I'm 9 now and this is kinda broke when I go play it for the first time it's fine but when I go back to it the next day it keeps taking me to downloading a map please fix this glitch but if you do fix it I'll give it 5 stars but for now 2 stars
Gibran Edrafitya Arsyil Kamajaya
This is the Most Coolest Fake Minecraft Creation! This Game can Use Mods or Add-Ons. I like the "Original T.Pack". When The Minecraft 1.20 Update come here,The texture is C.B.Block Texture. But when i try the Uninstall and install it Again,The Original Texture Can texturing the 1.20 Things. Your Game is Amazing,Mucha Go! I gave the Rating 5 Stars Keep Get Downloaders😄
I like this game it's fun and I can invite my friends on to my world. But there are 2 things I wish u can fix 1. When I go on the game when I haven't been on there for a while my user name is different but if I wait 5 mins it will go back to normal 2. Add a way to save the original texture pack so I can add it on some of the adventure worlds. Also please fix the pistons because I cant make flying machines but other than that it's a good game.also for some reason it signed me back. Fix that pls
English Is Good
Hi developers, Your game was too good before the recent update.. I had a great survival series on this app..There, I had done a lot of progress like I had the farm of cobblestone, berries, wheat, pumpkin, wood, iron and so on I also reached the diamond level and nether. When I updated your game I got a problem with this. **WHENEVER I CLICK ON THE GAME, IT RUNS FOR A SECOND AND WHEN IT CAME TO THE BLACK LOADING SCREEN, IN A SECOND IT STOPS TO RUN AND GET MY HOME PAGE OF MY PHONE**.😭😭😭😭
Laltu Shaw
This game is very good but when I join every time it's restart and kicks me out at the first time it was very good it's graphics was nice it has the 1.19 also but the second time it got an ad after every 30 or 40 seconds it didn't even let it to load and restarting so please fix these issues it gives too much problems
Ahmed Salame
This is a good game and I love how you updated it to 1.19 it looks just like Minecraft and you should download this but the problem is that when I download a texture pack it doesn't show then I can't out it I hope you guys can fix this please and can you guys get rid if the ads there really annoying every 1 or 2 mins they pop up
Arbin Shrestha
I love this game so much. The texture is so cool. This game is best for all who love building games. I tried many games but i personally love this game only. This game gives the true feeling of Minecraft. But only one problem it lags on my device when i near my buildings and villegers.Overall all are good. I give it 5 stars and waiting for it's new updates.
Happy Jovelle Ramos
This is like Minecraft, but free! I would really recommend this app if i can't buy or get minecraft and you can also join your friends who have a same wifi as you too. Although the ads are so annoying.. and few glitches are so annoying when we leave our world.. please let us save, and also let us add shaders and addons and mods. But seriously this is such a great app! Thank you so much for making this app!
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