Spider Identifier App by Photo

Identify Spiders with photo and know about their species, Spider ID and orders.

Total ratings

3.08 (Rating count: 308)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App frequently crashes or shuts down.
    • Inaccurate spider identification.
    • Excessive advertisements that disrupt user experience.
    • Difficult to navigate with unclear menus.
    • Issues with photo uploads and permissions.
    Most mentioned
    • Constant ads and interruptions
    • App crashes or fails to function properly
    • Inability to correctly identify spiders
    See reviews for Spider Identifier App by Photo on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 3.08
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    14% (3)
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    86% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Patrica Kier
    I can't even get to the results of the first picture before the app has issues/shuts down and tells me to scan the pic again
    Very bad, I wanted to test it by scanning a Neoscona spider (idk the genus) and it said spiked back idk spider and I tried again and it said crab spider. Very bad app
    Kd6 Kirschner
    Sucks. Dont waste your time
    Cindy Nelson
    Asked me to pick a photo from my gallery and nothing happened
    Sierra M
    terrible, tried several different pictures that were very clear. "no spider found"
    Kim John
    Doesn't load
    Unclear menus, asking for Gemini, figured how to crop photo, then .'somfhing went wrong'. Useless error message. 100 percent fail rate. Retried treated to ads then something went wrong again. Pathetic
    Wrennie Cam
    App has zero functionality other than the community section, which is all questions with no answers…
    M Lupo
    Not a single correct identification. It just sucks. GUI is ugly.
    Bruce (Jepethiel)
    Terrible, your app does not need to access my files. Permissions denied because I do not know you. The upload photos does not upload, not does it actually function. It is not possible to actually add text. And you assume that I am actually taking a photo on the day of sighting the spider and not at a later date and the calendar, date/time system does not function either.
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