ML&C Attendance App

Ml&C Attendance App is designed in ML&C Department to mark attendance

ML&C Attendance App - Attendance Tracking Made Easy

"ML&C Attendance App" is a mobile application developed for the Military Lands and Cantonments Department, enabling employees to mark daily attendance through real-time facial recognition. Designed for both office and field staff, it allows supervisors to manage attendance for multiple employees. Integrated with the ML&C Management Information System, it enables authorized users to access attendance reports, as well as manage leaves and movements seamlessly.

App stats

Downloads: 46,502
Version: 1.29 (Last updated: 2024-08-21)
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

Kindly improve it's location tracking service.
by UZAIR HANAFI, 2024-11-02

always crashes.. restarting several time automatically.. always notifying " no record found" and also fails to get location even device is on the location spot.
by MSRG Gorsi, 2024-09-03
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