Stock and Inventory Management

A compact management system that manages your product stock and inventory easily

Total ratings

4.15 (Rating count: 2,151)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and simple interface
  • Good for managing inventory effectively
  • Ability to transfer inventory data between devices
  • Compatible with multiple products and vendors
  • Free to use with essential features
  • Too many ads interrupting usage
  • Lacks functionality for tracking individual items' stock separately
  • Need for a PC version for synchronization
  • Absence of image attachment for products
  • Limited options for categorizing products and details
Most mentioned
  • Desire for the ability to add product images
  • Request for a calculator feature
  • Need for expiration date tracking and low stock notifications
  • Feedback on excessive advertisements
  • Need for categorizing products effectively
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.15
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Date Author Rating Comment
Muhammad Javed Khan
Sir, this app is a very good app but add a calculator Please sir . Thank you very much item ko selecte karo aur calculator open hojae please please
Alinur Steve
It’s very easy and good apps.. I used it from 3 years. But i changed my phone. How i can bring my old apps stock in new phone? Kindly inform me.. Thanks..
Sarmad Sheraz
Should add expirey and also add low stock of individual product as its vary depending uopn the consumption of any peoduct
Ícaro Gargione
I've used it for just 5 min and it looks great! My only feedback is: it would be nice to have the option to add a product photo to the product register.
S R Garments
Great app "For a long time I was looking for an application which would ease my work to maintain the stock" This application has lived up to my expectations. This application can be even better if its item's image is added to the item.
Stelios Sofocleous
Simple and easy to use. It would be really nice if we could sections to the option "Products". For example I want to know how many product A I have and how many product B I have separately. If they are under one section I don't know how many of each I have I just know the total of both. In general I am very pleased with the app! 👍
Muralidharan Buandasan
Loving the app and stock count made so easy. I was also able to move my entire stock count from my old phone to my new phone with just a couple of clicks....awesome app and i will definitely recommend. Advertisement does pop out once in a while but since it's a free app, it does makes sense and I am okay with that.....
Pure Hearted Assassin
This app is a great app. Good for working with storage. But I need a little update where I can maybe put different colour for different brand/item. Also can you add pc version so the user can upload their work to pc for save keeping. This will help the user a lot. pls make an update to add this feature. I really need this feature.
Karen Q
Missing the setting up of an account as two different devices would be accessing the same information. Also, reorder levels should not be in settings, that should be on the product setup screen as different in inventory items will have different reorder points.
Steven Rash
I love this app but there should be a way to edit descriptions of parts at a more detailed level. Other than that this is a perfect KISS style method of tracking inventory. For those unfamiliar, KISS is Keep It Simple Stupid
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