Simple Usb Tool to Format, Wipe OR FIX Usb Stick [NO-ROOT].

Total ratings

2.08 (Rating count: 3,608)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Successfully formats USB drives to FAT32 and other file systems
  • User-friendly for those needing basic formatting functions
  • Can recover some USB drives that are not working properly
  • Requires coins to perform actions, often after watching lengthy ads
  • Many users experience errors causing their USB drives to become unusable
  • The ad load times are excessive and frustrating, with repeated ads for coins
Most mentioned
  • App crashes or fails during formatting processes
  • Users feel misled about free usage due to the ad and coin model
  • Success stories and frustrations regarding formatting and usability of USB drives
See reviews for USB TOOLS (Format, WIPE...ETC) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 2.08
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Date Author Rating Comment
Asma Wandana Prakasa
i have formatted 32gb usb drive to fat32 mbr for my tv, but at the end this apl says an error occurred indirectly killed my usb. now my android phone and other cant read or write my usb drive, this is an absolute flop.
Rubel Chowdhury
Other apps providing all services without any coin.
Soul Allen
Only way this could be better if it was for free , I bricked my pc doing a bios update was totally stuck as I only had my phone and no other pc , found this payed for 5 coins was around €1.50 mark loaded fat 32 on my usb stuck new bios on it and boom my pc now working so I think €1.50 well spent
Michael Johnson (Actually Riley)
Not free, requires coins to do any meaningful actions to external media.
Vlad Gba (vladgba)
THANK YOU for TWO ADS and one formatted usb drive!
It works! Skeptical at first due to the mixed reviews but the problem lies with the users (who are way too impatient, it seems) than the app itself. Devs even put caution to ensure users know what they're about to do with their drives. You gotta finish the ads for the coins to come in, that's it. Works perfectly for me.
Chamod Kawshalya
It's working. But ads take a long time to load. Also, watching one ad and watching it again is boring. It would be better if the countdown to loading ads were removed.
Azad Ali
This app works, but don't use it repeatedly on the same pen drive.
Naman Kumar
Best app for format change in pendrive without pc👍
khino ezeckiel cruz
mine worked fine i formatted my usb to FAT to Exfat and the 2 ads worked properly and nothing interuppted the formatting process but i still need to confirm if it really changed the file system thank you dev!
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