Detective Logic-Word Puzzle

Unleash your mind with exciting riddle games and solve captivating logic puzzles

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1.20 (Rating count: 9)
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All time rating average: 1.20

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Aurora Schoeller
In order to make a check mark you must double tap a square. When you tap it once it is an x. This means that when you reach the last square and double tap, it is first an x and it doesn't let you make it into a check before it marks the puzzle as wrong.
Laura B
It doesnt work, the clues are missing values and the hint option only shows ads.
Sam Joseph Robinson
First level shows wrong info
can't even get passed level 1 I am putting all. the stuff right and since you have to double tap x to correct it automatically marks it as wrong
Ellisa Kobylak
First four puzzles were all exactly the same clues presented different ways. When you tap a box the "X" shows up first instead of the "✓" so when you get to the last mark, it says you failed and you can't correct it. There is no delay in loading screens, so it's very jumpy. Graphics are cute and the layout is nice, but it needs polishing and more details.