IQ Boost: Training Brain Games

Train your logic, brain, intellect! Tricky puzzles and test brain games for mind

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 339,342)

Review summary

  • Fun and challenging gameplay
  • Bright and colorful design
  • Appeals to a wide age range
  • Engaging puzzles that require thought
  • Too many ads, often too long
  • Ads frequently interrupt gameplay
  • Some puzzles lack clear logic or instructions
  • Absence of sound or music
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads that disrupt the experience
  • The game is fun but the ad frequency is frustrating
  • Some puzzles are confusing or poorly designed
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for IQ Boost: Training Brain Games on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.16
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Rating filters

5 star
19% (12)
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5% (3)
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10% (6)
2 star
17% (11)
1 star
49% (31)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jeff Goodman
An excellent brain teaser to keep the mind sharp! The platform is designed in bright, colorful and simple displays to keep anybody ranging from a child to a senior player interested!
Tania Frazer
AD'S ‼️AD'S ‼️ AD'S ‼️ NON STOP. This app is a headache. Even in the middle of a game it will turn on an Ad❌ After every game there's an AD. Each game is only a minute long so you can imagine how annoying it is to see an AD every 60 seconds. The app is fun but the developers need to make money thru AD's ruins the experience . Deleting the App after 10mns of use. DONT BOTHER DOWNLOADING GUYS.
Angela Johnson
Good challenges. I don't mind ads (that's why it's a free game), but they're too frequent and waaayyyy too long. An earlier "opt out" timer would be great.
Shari Mezardjian
After the third puzzle, I was prompted to rate the game. That's too soon. One of the puzzles didn't make sense. The answer was a stretch. I got bombarded with ads, so after playing 7 puzzles, I'm writing this review, then deleting this app. 👋🏼
Pierre Petit
Great game. I deleted the game after the 4 puzzle due to long and aggravating advertisements. I would definitely download it again if they change it.
Jimmy Crackorn
Heats up the phone, but shouldn't for such a lightweight game. A few puzzles don't really make sense; the level 20-something pattern finding one, for example. It's great otherwise.
they don't ask legit questions as if it's something you can do in life. it's trick s where you can use your phone like shrink an elephant by using two fingers to shrink your screen. not realistic at all
Wim Vanherle (TenukiParadiddle)
Too many ads, almost one after every level, makes this app unbearable. I'm spending more time waiting for ads than actually playing.
Tim McDonnell
Om my goodness the adverts go on forever!!! Literally watched two adverts for like a minute each and couldn't skip. More time was spent watching adverts than playing the game. I get they have to make money but this is ridiculous. It's more "adverts with some game time in between than the other way round". Needless to say this has been uninstalled.
Farida Kanchwala
The game is fun but many many ads. Watching so many ads gets boring after a while. Uninstalling it
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