Pay1 Distributor

An app designed for distributors to help them with all their business needs.
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Recent rating average: 2.40
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43% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Nitin Uchlani
Worst experience in this company as a distributor. Distributor in this company are treated as slaves no respect nothing for there channel partners.kindly do not joint any one as a of the worst company ...
Lakshmi Kanti Biswas
Pay1 Distributor is a tottalycheating, cheating, fraud, useless, corrupted and chore application in India and it is not working properly now in India. Delete it soon.
Mohsin Gull
This application is very great and especially for the distributor.
Ashok Gawali
Is it your Application Safe....??? My working Distributor (Sai Technologies) Login deleted without intimation to me, by your employee and also not taking care to inform about any changes going happens nor to reply our query even though your Customer Care is also saying to ask your employee. If this can happen then big question on investment, our KYC. Hope appropriate action will be taken against like this activity.
Malik Saab
Smart people and the very best service working
Umang Midha
Unprofessional .... On signing up it say the phone number is not registered with us. No clue how to login
Shrinidhi Kamat
Not opening. It shows you are not authorized to use this app. I dont know what's wrong.
Request Topup is not working android 6.0 Version,Please solve this problem.
A Google user
Its useful for pay1 distributor. I have no idea about this
A Google user
Very usefull app for distribution bussines. Thanks
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