Showly: Track Shows & Movies

Keep track of watched movies and TV shows. Connect with Trakt.

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 9,125)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Effective syncing with Trakt for tracking shows and movies.
  • Good tracking for progress and notifications for new episodes.
  • Well-organized collection and categorization features.
  • Intrusive and frequent ads, including full-screen video ads.
  • Inconsistency in adding and tracking shows/movies.
  • Search functionality needs improvement for better usability.
  • Issues with syncing accuracy with Trakt.
Most mentioned
  • Ads are becoming more frequent and intrusive.
  • Syncing with Trakt is a common feature users appreciate.
  • Desire for improved filtering options for lists.
  • Inconsistencies in the process of adding titles to the tracker.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.45
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Date Author Rating Comment
Joshua Lindsay
Quality app. Good UI, easy to use. Can track shows and movies, and it uses JustWatch to show where to watch titles as well. One important thing to note: Make sure to have and sync with your account. If you don't and you uninstall Showly, everything you did will be lost. Two things I wish the app had: 1. The ability to filter movies by Network like you can for shows 2. The ability to share lists Otherwise, quality TV- (and movie-) tracking app.
Christopher Walton
The app itself has a easy to use interface which looks and feels beautiful. Love that it sync's with Trakt to further my love for this application. Progress tracking is pretty accurate for tv shows & movies. The collection is my favorite part I think in general it keeps thorough track of my cloud collection. I haven't really played with watchlist or discover that much other than the basics. I give props to the Dev he is on top of this application. I would suggest this application!
Kyle Kimsey
This is a great app and well worth the premium. I replaced another tracking app that stopped receiving dev support with this and haven't regretted it. Only thing I wish it had was to do more with filtering -- such as multiple stream selection (it's 1 at the moment) or when viewing a list, it'd be great to be able to filter for shows-with-unwatched / movies-unwatched (and the inverse, so we can prune the list).
Christopher Kingery
I like the app mostly, but the ads are getting ridiculous. They're becoming more frequent and intrusive. It's now at a point where you'll be in the middle of using it, and you'll get a video pop up across the whole screen that you can't dismiss. Same goes for pop ups prompting you to subscribe to premium. Edit: and now the video ads all default to having audio on. It's official. This app is the first one I'm ever uninstalling purely because I'm sick of how obnoxious and intrusive the ads are.
Craig Martin
The app is great to use but the inconsistency when adding TV shows and movies to the progress tracker is why I took a star off. If I want to track a TV show I need to tap "Add to my shows". If I want to track a movie I need to tap "Watchlist". Ideally I would like the main action button to always just add to my progress tracker and to use consistent words so it's more obvious.
Chris Weidner
2024: 1 star. Annoying full screen ad keeps popping up and then it takes 30 seconds to load the app after exiting the ad. 2022: 4 stars. Awesome app. Great for tracking the ever increasing list of shows I'm watching. I just wish the sorting and filters were more robust. Let my filter out movies that are in theaters only or filter by streaming service.
Michael K.
I've used this app for years to track TV shows and it was simply excellent: lightweight, fast, and without ads. I understand the dev's need to monetize and make a living, but I feel like that can be done without full-screen ads that have a close countdown. I haven't seen those since the 2014 era of Android games. Unfortunately, when Letterboxd rolls out TV tracking support, I will be migrating immediately.
It's really good for what it does and the free version is very capable. I got it because I've seen so many shows so I had trouble remembering everything I've seen when people would ask for recommendations. So this makes it easy having it all in one place. It's also nice it lets you know when new episodes come out. The UI isn't the best but it works. I do wish the "you may also like" recommendations didn't include shows you've already seen, because 90% of the time its only shows on my list.
Stephanie Perez
Great app! I love organizing my shows in this app and keeping track of where i am. I would add an option for keeping track of a second watch. After you've watched one show you have to delete your progress and start again if you want to keep track of your second watch. It would be nice to mark that that is the 2nd/3rd etc time I've watched a show.
Art Vandelay
Had some issue displaying unwatched episodes in Progress (only seeing upcoming shows), thought it was due to update. Support emailed saying nothing changed, so I reinstalled the app and everything's back to normal now. Thank you support for the email, and please look into the problem I experienced. I wish I could tell more about it, but it was really just that simple - only seeing upcoming shows and not unwatched episodes in Progress.
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